

  • This workshop is an invitation to root more deeply in mutual liberation by developing our capacities to have more meaningful conversations and self-interrogation about white supremacy and our own white racial socialization. We will look within ourselves first to better learn alongside and with the young people in our lives. By exploring our own white racial identity, utilizing new frames, prompts, and self-reflection, this workshop will empower us to move into the everyday conversations needed to recognize and name racial injustice, and build positive racial identities alongside the young folks in our lives.

  • This session will introduce participants to somatics and embodiment as a tool to move us towards liberatory practices in our everyday life. It will support participants in developing tools and strategies to engage in these practices while understanding the context of white supremacy and capitalism that has led to our collective disembodiment. How can somatic practices move us toward liberation by centering our bodies rather than our minds? Through this exploration, participants will identify all that is available to us when we move towards embodying our anti-racist and liberatory values. Participants will engage in discussion, journal reflection activities, intention setting, racial affinity spaces, and collectively practice somatic strategies in session.

  • These sessions will deepen participants' learning and reflections from Somatics as a Liberatory Tool: What’s The Body Gotta Do With It? This series will support participants to expand their understanding of somatic strategies within a social and political context. Participants will experience somatic exploration and increase access to the fullness of their humanity while examining the ways that systems of harm have led to our collective disembodiment. Through embodied activities, journal reflections, discussion, racial affinity spaces, and art, participants will deepen their understanding of the ways that vulnerability, resilience, change, and collective care, contribute to our healing while also impacting the relationships and world around us.

  • In this two-hour interactive workshop, facilitators of multiple identities will offer dynamic practices to engage participants in deepening their critical inquiry around anti-oppression on individual, interpersonal, and systemic levels. The facilitators will utilize didactic and somatic practices to support embodied integration of the content, as well as whole group and smaller affinity spaces to promote richer discussions and deeper experiences.

  • This workshop for white teens explores the impacts of systemic racism on their peers and themselves, and supports them in identifying ways that they could leverage their privilege to take action against harmful systems. Together we explore the importance of white youth showing up and interrupting racism in this moment and beyond, and identify ways to become a co-conspirator in our work to disrupt white supremacy rather than becoming a passive ally.

  • This interactive workshop supports parents, caregivers, and educators to develop tools and language to sustain an anti-racist lens in their families, schools, and everyday lives. Facilitators will utilize somatic practices and invite personal reflections to support embodied integration of the content, as well as whole group and small group discussions to promote richer reflections and deeper experiences

1:1 Coaching

We support white individuals who are looking to deepen their commitment to anti-racism and collective liberation by using one on one coaching sessions. Together, we will create a space of compassion, vulnerability, and accountability as we explore tools and strategies to center and sustain an anti-racist practice. By utilizing somatic practices, intention setting, accountability mechanisms, and white racial identity exploration, individuals will uncover practices to support their commitment to anti-racism for the long haul.

Racial Justice Coaching for White Folks

Coaching for BIPOC Leaders

For the purposes of this engagement, S. Rae intends to hold space for, support, and enter into a coaching relationship for managers who identify as Black, Indigenous, a person of color, or multi-ethnic/multi-racial.


Through the knowledge and skills of our multi-disciplinary team, we consult with organizations to design new and tailored content for their specific context.

This might include developing tailored workshop curriculum, building coaching relationships, and/or supporting the design and implementation of racial affinity spaces.

We’re particularly good at working with organizations and individuals in the thick of substantive change; including those who are ready to commit resources to liberatory practices and building an anti-oppressive framework; those already in the midst of it; and those who may not know where to start.

As the nature of our services are highly individualized, we provide a scope of work and fee proposal after our initial consultation.

“Everything about this workshop was great, I love how you two work together, your content is so great, I love your quotes, and the music you've woven in.”

- Deepening Our Practices for Supervisors Workshop Series Participant