Our Team

  • Mack Boyle (they/them) is a white queer organizer, mental health worker, and facilitator working on capacity building related to racial justice, abolition, youth leadership, and liberation. Their focus is to support white folks in transforming the ways they engage with race, building communities of trust and care, and developing somatic awareness to act more in alignment with anti-racist values.

    Based in Oakland, CA, on unceded Ohlone land, Mack is a mental health youth worker within Oakland Unified School District. Through this lens they develop and lead trainings for teachers, parents, and school communities on fostering community with attention to power dynamics, healing justice, intersectionality, and creating affirming spaces for queer and trans youth. They facilitate and co-develop curriculum for white affinity spaces for folks looking to deepen and transform their racial analysis.

    They are a member of Showing Up For Racial Justice Bay Area (SURJ), an organization that mobilizes white people for racial justice as part of a multiracial and Black-led movement. Through SURJ workshops, coaching, and 1:1 relationships, Mack supports people in developing skills and practice to interrupt the ways we socialize young people into white supremacy culture. 

    Mack is continuing to seek opportunities to develop workshop content focused on mutual interest, whiteness, somatic practices, and transforming the ways we engage with each other to move towards collective liberation.

    Find out more about them and their work here.

  • Britt (they/them) is a liberation seeker, freedom dreamer, and advocate for spaciousness and ease. Their work is deeply rooted in interdependence and care as Black Feminist practices for collective liberation and community building.

  • S. Rae Peoples (she/her) is the founder and principal consultant of Red Lotus Consulting, an inclusion, equity, and justice service boutique. She has over 25 years of experience serving in leadership roles that revolve around social justice in the arts, education, political, and nonprofit sectors. Her expertise is in advising organizations on how best to create internal conditions that allow equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice to flourish. She holds a demonstrative record of effectively collaborating with and pushing senior management, executives and governance bodies to engage in the deep work that is necessary for meaningful organizational change.

    As certified yoga and meditation instructor, S. Rae strives to ground her words and actions in compassion and clarity. She offers an embodied and mindfulness approach to developing anti-racist spaces. Her opinions and writings have been featured in The Washington Post, Oakland Post, BlogHer, and YFS Magazine. S. Rae is a student at the University of the Virgin Islands where she is pursuing a PhD in Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change. The focus of her research is the protest resignations of Black women from predominantly white institutions. A native of California with a Midwest upbringing, S. Rae is currently rooted in motherhood, love, and community in Somerville, MA.

  • A German native, East coast transplant and polyglot, Lo (she/they) has occupied leadership and facilitation roles for over 12 years. Trained as an educator and clinical social worker, Lo’s work has always centered issues of power, privilege and oppression.She began organizing with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Bay Area in 2015 and has been supporting white-bodied folks in developing racial literacy and anti-racist identities ever since. Lo especially loves challenging those who are in the lives of young people, such as parents, educators, and administrators, to embody anti-racist practices in their homes, classrooms, and institutions.

    Lo is a licensed psychotherapist supporting people in the queer community, couples, and polycules as well as white-bodied individuals who want to move past white guilt and deepen into their anti-racist commitment. Lo’s work is grounded in relationships, somatic (body-based) approaches, intersectional feminist theory and grassroots and POC leadership.

    Born and raised in Germany and initially landing on the East coast, Lo has lived on unceded Ohlone territory in the village of Huichin also known as Oakland, California for over a decade.

    Find out more about them and their work here.

  • Anna Blackshaw (she/her/hers) is a white organizer, policy advocate and anti-racist educator and coach who has been working at the intersections of race, policy, and systems change for the last thirty years.    

    She is the co-creator of the Rooting in and Raising Up and Sustaining the Awakening workshop series at Red Lotus Consulting.

    Anna leads workshops on whiteness, race-conscious parenting, and embodied anti-racism. Her passion and priority is to help individuals and organizations sharpen their race analysis, deepen their racial competencies, and identify the levers of transformation  in themselves and within the organizations they serve. 

    She is a founding member of Showing Up For Racial Justice Bay Area (SURJ), an organization that mobilizes white people to dismantle white supremacy as part of a multiracial and Black-led movement for justice. She is also the founder of its Youth and Families Committee, which supports parents, caregivers and educators in developing language and practice to interrupt at the root the ways we socialize children into white supremacy culture, and founder of its Policy Committee, which works to support the Movement for Black Lives policy platform.

    Her writing and photography has been published in ColorLines, The Sun, Alternet, Common Dreams, and the Los Angeles Times, among others. She is also the co-author of No More Strangers Now: Young Voices from A New South Africa, which was an Honor Book for the Jane Addams Book Award. 

    Based in Oakland, California, Anna is the former Legislative Director for the Oakland Institute, Director of Public Citizen’s California Office, and a longtime legislative consultant to the late progressive icon Senator Tom Hayden.  She sits on the board of Just Foreign Policy and the C.O.O.K. Alliance.


Through the interconnected web of our liberation work, we also engage in collaborative relationships, organizing, facilitating, and consulting with SURJ Bay Area, The Frontline, and Red Lotus Consulting.